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I am trying to make GPSMid Work on every mobile but the problem is they all depend on the pre-installation of J2ME (Java) application.

asked 08 Aug '10, 16:28

Alazar%20AddisMap's gravatar image

Alazar AddisMap
accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Aug '10, 14:42

Jochen%20Topf's gravatar image

Jochen Topf

What I really need to know is iPhones doesn't support GPSMid with Java rather C++. So is there any chance I can have those and make them work? Or is there any GPSMid that is supported by C++.

(12 Aug '10, 10:36) Alazar AddisMap

So your question is really: "How does I get Java on my iPhone?". That is a question for an iPhone forum rather then an OSM forum. GPSMid is written in Java and unless you rewrite the whole application there is nothing to do about that.

(12 Aug '10, 22:37) Gnonthgol ♦

There are some Frameworks or emulation models to run all kinds of Java Midlets on certain platforms:

If you have a Windows Mobile PocketPC or Smartphone without JavaME you can try phoneME at There you can install any .jar / .jad file to run on Windows Mobile. Midlets like gpsMid, or We-Travel are working.

Beware: in the documentation there is no info how to configure phoneME to read raw GPS data from your Device from the built-in receiver to pass it to the midlets. But this is (after installation of phoneme on WinMob) configured in a file called lapi.cfg (see folder "lib") which has to look like SerialPort = comm:4;baudrate:57600;bitsperchar:8;stopbits:1;parity:none

To test whether the connection of the gps passthrough is working you can look for a midlet called "location test.jar" on the internet.

Another platform to install java midlets on Windows Mobile ist JavaFX. To try any applet on a desktop operating system with Java (normal!), try MicroEmulator

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answered 09 Aug '10, 16:45

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

GpsMid is purely written in Java (J2ME), so it will only run on Mobile devices that have a java run time environment installed. There is no port to C++ and most likely won't ever be, as that would simply be a complete rewrite, so might as well start a new project at that point.

However, J2ME is still by far the most commonly available app-framework on mobile phones, both in the feature phone (where it is pretty much the only available app-framework), as well as in the smartphone market, where the two leading platforms (Symbian (Nokia) and BlackBerry with a market share of over 60% of smartphones) both offer native J2ME support. So no need to install anything extra there.

GpsMid is also working on a port to Android, that although uses Java has a different dialect than J2Me, hence needing the port, but this has progressed quite nicely.

Most Windows Mobile devices don't support Java natively (although some do), but the PhoneME project offers JVMs that can be installed on most windows platforms.

So that leaves about the iPhone, with its 2.7% market share in Q2 2010, for which GpsMid doesn't work. There are however plenty of other OpenStreetMap apps written for the iPhone

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answered 14 Aug '10, 12:57

apmon's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


There is no way to use a java based program without java installed. Good luck that java is mostly bundled in the mobile where available.

In the rare case where java is available on a device but not already installed you could bundle java with GPSMid. The problem with this is that you do not know what java should be installed.

The best solution would be to just distribute GPSMid without java and write in the documentation that the user would need to have java on the device before he could use the program.

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answered 08 Aug '10, 20:37

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

An application like GPSmid can not be bundled with a JavaME virtual machine, because a virtual machine must be implemented for the special hardware device. In GPSmid's documentation of course there is mentioned that JavaME is needed.

(07 Jan '11, 15:55) Kartograefin

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question asked: 08 Aug '10, 16:28

question was seen: 8,733 times

last updated: 07 Jan '11, 15:55

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