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Given a set of lat/long in Germany, I would like to search for all the Public Transportation Points in a 500m radius. Then, would like to fetch all the public transit lines that pass through that Public transit point.

When I state Public Transportation Points, I mean stops where Buses, Trains/Subways & Trams stop. Specifically, looking for nodes with the following tags:

  • Bus: public_transport=stop_position + bus=yes.
  • Subway/Train: public_transport=stop_position + train=yes + railway=stop + name=*
  • Tram: public_transport=stop_position + tram=yes + name=*

On knowing the Points, I would then like to know all the Bus, Tram & Subway lines that pass through these points.

Is it feasible to fetch this sort of information with OSM?

asked 06 Oct '17, 14:39

urbanground's gravatar image

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edited 08 Oct '17, 15:59

What is a "Public Transportation Points" supposed to be? A station/halt, a junction of multiple routes? ....

(08 Oct '17, 09:50) SimonPoole ♦

I am looking for Bus, Subway & Trams. For bus, nodes with Tags: public_transport=stop_position + bus=yes. For Subway/Train: public_transport=stop_position + train=yes + railway=stop + name= For Tram: public_transport=stop_position + tram=yes + name=

(08 Oct '17, 15:54) urbanground

This would be very useful feature and quite easily done with existing code I assume. Now already manully one can click all public transportation (PT) stops around some POI and see eg. all the busses/trams/metros which stops there. With a pen and paper (or snapshot) then collect all those PT-lines. Now just the code optionally would automatically "click" all those PT-stops around some radius and return a list of stops and PT-lines. See also:

(30 Sep '18, 12:35) zimon

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question asked: 06 Oct '17, 14:39

question was seen: 1,857 times

last updated: 30 Sep '18, 12:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum