,48.14,11.543,48.145 Content-Type:application/xml <osm version="0.6" generator="xapi: OSM Extended API" xmlns:xapi="" xapi:uri="/api/0.6/way[landuse=residential]" xapi:planetdate="200803150826" xapi:copyright="2008 OpenStreetMap contributors" xapi:instance="zappy2"> <node id="218963" lat="52.5611324692581" lon="-1.79024812573334" timestamp="2006-03-22T16:47:48+00:00" version="1" changeset="2211"> </node> <node id="331193" lat="53.7091237972264" lon="-1.50282510180841" timestamp="2007-03-31T00:09:22+01:00" version="1" changeset="2211"> <tag k="highway" v="traffic_signals"/> <tag k="source" v="Yahoo"/> </node> ... <way id="4958218" timestamp="2007-07-25T01:55:35+01:00" version="3" changeset="2211"> <nd ref="218963"/> <nd ref="331193"/> ... <tag k="landuse" v="residential"/> <tag k="source" v="landsat"/> </way> </osm> |
The instance of XAPI is long dead. You can find information about other running instances at (If you're asking people to give up their time to help you, please take the effort to ask an actual, nicely-phrased question rather than just copying and pasting an error message.) |