Hello, I need a batch geocoding server so I set up one in docker. But I need to do geocoding in R and package hrbrmstr/nominatim is mostly recommended for that. But it only provides the function for query to public OSM server. 'Enable switching Nominatim API server providers' is on its TODO list and the repo was updated two years ago. Is there any other solution for that. Thank you! |
I've never so much as looked at R but I suspect the answer is fork https://github.com/hrbrmstr/nominatim in github, search your copy for references to "openstreetmap.org" and change them to point at your nominatim server. Or have you tried that and it is more complicated than that? OK, I've tried that. It the package has a dependency of Mapquest API which only requires a hash instead of a public URL. So by code hacking, it's not doable.
(03 Oct '17, 08:22)
Out of interest, which Mapquest API? I'd have thought that pretty much everything that Mapquest provide is available somewhere else (including self-hosted, but there may be practical reasons why that's not an option).
(03 Oct '17, 08:45)
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