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Im trying to craft a Maproulette challenge to find parking with access-tags with this query:

out body geom qt;

But when I build the challenge it fails (Status: failed).

How can I troubleshoot what the problem is? The query gives me valid data when ran in Overpass and I can't find any logs or errors at the Maproulette website.

asked 23 Sep '17, 22:09

FredrikLindseth's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

The geocodeArea in {{geocodeArea:bergen}}->.searchArea; originated with Overpass-Turbo and likely isn't supported by Maproulette. Replacing it with the Overpass API area id will probably get it to work.

The Overpass QL documentation describes area ids as follows:

Note that area ids need to be derived from an existing OSM way by adding 2400000000 to its OSM id or in case of a relation by adding 3600000000 respectively.
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answered 24 Sep '17, 02:31

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

That did fix my problem! Thanks.

(25 Sep '17, 20:13) FredrikLindseth

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question asked: 23 Sep '17, 22:09

question was seen: 1,776 times

last updated: 25 Sep '17, 20:13

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