Hello, I'm mapping a Greek town. My understanding from what I've read here and there is that I should not attempt to translate or transliterate local street names; instead, enter them in Greek only. However, there is a street whose name is of a German's, Wilhelm Dörpfeld, and it is locally known transliterated to Greek. I guess the main name of the street on OSM must be the Greek-transliterated name, as this is what it's known as locally. But we can't expect automatic tools to transliterate it back to Latin correctly, so I believe the Latin version should also be entered. In what language? German? (In that case English viewers should automatically get the German version instead of the Greek version [whether in the Greek alphabet or transliterated back to Latin], and I'm not certain map renderers are that smart.) Another option could be to add the main street name in German, and add a Greek transl[iter]ation. |
Hi, First of all, set the Secondly, add a If the street signs name is in Greek, you can additionally record the name in German in the See: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:name and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Names for various name tags https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Multilingual_names#Greece for some Greece-specific conventions (not directly applicable here) HTH! Not in this specific case, but generally, https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Multilingual_names#Greece seems to imply that the transliterated name should be entered in
(25 Sep '17, 12:38)
I agree; that link's suggestion about int_name seems odd for the reason you give and for two other reasons:
I suggest you take this up with the Greek OSM community. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Greece#Community (and note that the "Names" section on that page repeats the advice about int_name).
(25 Sep '17, 23:26)