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How to setup my account with OpenID, it always fails. I have two email addresses but apparently they were mixed on this help, where I'm logged in with my Google+ account. But it's impossible to setup the OpenID for Google, and there's a mix now with my account on OSM which is not based on Google account. Why is'nt there a "GoogleConnect" to correctly setup and secure the login ? The old method based on OpenID2 is no longer working without the OAuth2 method. So I can no longner login correctly here without requesting each tim a new temporary access token by email. Basic OpenID is no logner working with Google which requires stronger methods (buyt which is still conforming with the OpenID standard, that this help site supports only with an outdated specification). As well I can no connect using a Blogger account (same reason): there are missing tokens that this help site does not record properly.

Could you add GoogleConnect as a method (and then drop your "Blogger" method that is no longer working at all)?

asked 18 Sep '17, 21:24

Verdy_p's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 18 Sep '17, 23:25

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "Too subjective and argumentative" by SimonPoole 18 Sep '17, 23:25

This is not a question, in general you should open a feature request, if no applicable one already exists, on the website issue tracker for technical issues.

Note that while google hasn't supported OpenId ("OpenID connect" is something else) for a longish time, you should be able to login with your google account via the "google sign-in" mechanism.

permanent link

answered 18 Sep '17, 22:13

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 19 Sep '17, 08:59

This is a real question: how so we connect to this site with suitable credentials when the former crednetials based on Google id no longer works with basic OpenID2 and no longer works as well with Blogger, because the implementation does not support correct OAuth (now required by Google). So now I have two accounts on this help site, and I cannot successfully use the login and there's no way to reconnect them and my two email addresses are now taken here.

(18 Sep '17, 22:32) Verdy_p

Stop being silly: as you have already noted Google decided to change what kind of authentication it supports, which gives you the answer you already know: you can't.

(18 Sep '17, 22:38) SimonPoole ♦

You can't so we have lost once again the possibility to connect here. And many users will not be able too. Google "Connet Now" is conforming to the OpenID standard (this has been asserted), but this site is not. Using OAuth and the enhanced protocol is the way to go: it offers much better security and privacy, and has support for double authentication. Most popular sites have adopted it, but not this one. So you have lost many OSM users that can no longer connect here. If you think this is not a problem, and you think this request is "silly" you're alone... OSM needs to be more open and not loose users

(18 Sep '17, 23:05) Verdy_p

Again: you are not asking a question. You are completely free to implement a solution and create a pull request on the website repo, or to otherwise help with an solution to the specific problem.

Constant arguing here, in the clearly wrong place, will only result in you being permanently blocked on yet another OSM site.

(18 Sep '17, 23:25) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 18 Sep '17, 21:24

question was seen: 2,785 times

last updated: 19 Sep '17, 12:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum