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Hello All,

I represent the South Australian Mountain Biking Assocaition (

We are starting to document all of South Australia's MTB trails using OSM and the protocals as per

We are looking for some advice about an Approriate Routing Engine for a Mountain Biking Website

What we'd like to end up with is a website application (possibly mobile in the future) where users can set their start location, set max difficulty of the trails (mtb:scale:imba) set way points of trails they definetly what to ride (either drop a marker on trail or pick from list??), possibly pick from the type of riding they do or don't want to do(mtb:type=crosscountry, allmtn, downhill) and the application will propose a route that maximises use of tracks with these mtb tags.

Needs to have via waypoints and needs to be able to use tags as part of the logic IF MTB trail exists route...If MTB trail does not exist next preference.

MTB trails are often connected by small sections of road...but preference should be mtb trail

Ideally users can export .gpx files of their route.

Most MTB rides are often setting time or distance and specificing a loop would be good.

Further to that trails are often clumped in an area called "trail centres" we could hypotheically have one of these for each trail centre if that would help with pick lists...or even predefined ride options for tourists or others not familar with the area.

asked 23 Jun '11, 03:00

SAMBA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Jun '11, 23:33

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

Althoug I cannot give you a detailed recommendation you should have a look at the Routing page especially about online routers in the OSM wiki.

Test all possibilities there and find out what is near to your aims.

(quite impressive in these days is the online demo of OSRM with dragging start and end point in real time)

And there is also a Routing mailing list ...

permanent link

answered 25 Jun '11, 16:08

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 23 Jun '11, 03:00

question was seen: 5,408 times

last updated: 25 Jun '11, 16:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum