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Hello Guys,

I want to get Multi polygon boundaries from OSM. When I checked OSM documentation, I didn't see anything about parent/child relation. for example; Germany/Berlin/Pankow.

When I investigated this topic, I found following projects,

but these projects are not stable, that's why I didn't use.

How can I get Parent/Child information from OSM?


asked 14 Sep '17, 20:52

johnalen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Sep '17, 20:53

Typically you need to do spatial queries one way or the other to retrieve "sub"-admin entities of a given admin entity in OSM. You can do this with your own database or for example with overpass-turbo/overpass, example (Note doing this in a larger way with a public overpass instance is likely going to get you in trouble).

whosonfirst is a product of mapzen and uses something between little and no OSM data. We obviously cannot help you with non-OSM based projects.

permanent link

answered 15 Sep '17, 07:44

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 15 Sep '17, 22:16

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question asked: 14 Sep '17, 20:52

question was seen: 2,373 times

last updated: 15 Sep '17, 22:16

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