I currently lease and run a business/coffee shop (GiorgiPorgi) at 137 E. 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013. We are located on E. 3rd Street (northside of the street) between Main Street and Los Angeles Street. The map shows it between Los Angeles Street and Wall Street on the southside of E. 3rd Street. Other mapping services that use openstreetmap are sending customers into skidrow away from our coffee shop =( I am not too tech savvy but am hoping someone here is kind of enough to help us and lost coffee tourists haha. Much appreciated and to whomever can help free coffee for life at GiorgiPorgi... |
Moving a node (POI) is really very easy with the in browser map editor, however there is a more fundamental issue with your question in that I don't seem to be able to actually locate your establishment where you say it currently, mistakenly, is. OK, after checking your website, it seems as if the problem is actually not what I expected: that the node/point for your establishment is in the wrong place. I was assuming that your guests were looking it up by name. That can't be the case because there is clearly no such node in our database. Likely your guests are actually looking up the address. The problem is that in your area OSM data proper doesn't actually have any addresses that in turn implies that the apps are falling back on other data to roughly locate where the address is, which in your case is a "bit" off. What should be done:
It is 1am here now so I'm going to be doing something else for the next couple of hours :-). but we can work on this further tomorrow. I tried to move/create a POI, not sure if it worked. If you go to the map on the bottom of our website www.giorgiporgi.com you can see the incorrect location still. Not sure what happened eh... =/
(12 Sep '17, 23:56)
You created a note, which is a way to give map feedback. I've created a POI: http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/5102160315 If you want to change it or move it or whatever, click the "Edit" button while looking at it. There is a short walk thru of the editor the first time you use it. Make sure to save after you have made any changes.
(13 Sep '17, 00:37)
It might take some time for MapBox to update their map with fresh OSM data.
(13 Sep '17, 07:56)
scai ♦
Et voilà: https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=GiorgiPorgi#map=19/34.04875/-118.24488 If you have time, adding any information on any missing or updated shops, restaurants in your vicinity is appreciated. Feel free just to add a note or edit directly. The maillary imagery in the area seems to be from a Sunday as a result it is difficult to determine what actually exists and what not. See https://www.mapillary.com/map/im/XQMsKFCJ4Pj4Za_PSKPssQ
(13 Sep '17, 09:00)
SimonPoole ♦