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I am totally new to OpenStreetMap and GIS in general. I am trying to export the street and lot data for Manhattan, New York and I am hitting the node limit well before capturing the entire city.

Is it possible to grab sections of the city and then merge them together?

How would I start going about this?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Aaron

asked 22 Jun '11, 20:54

bringfire's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please clarify your question by explaining shortly what you want to do with this data. Otherwise there are too many open questions(how old this data could be, only streets and buildings or everything, etc.) and the answers you get might not be what you need.

(22 Jun '11, 21:16) RM87


I am using the street node/information to build a basic scene in CityEngine, which I will then use to generate a 3D version of Manhattan (hopefully with height data)....this will be used for diagrams and renders in an architectural presentation. So basically I am only interested in streets, lots and heights.

I can zoom in and grab small chunks of the city and import them into problem.

But merging those chunks is the challenge I am trying to solve.

Best, Aaron

(22 Jun '11, 21:30) bringfire

Apologies, I seem to have lost bringfire's response when converting it from a question to a comment. Briefly it concerned grabbing part of New York City.

(22 Jun '11, 22:21) SK53 ♦

  • You can use Geofabric extracts (New-York extract is the smallest one suitable for you). With osmosis you can then extract Manhattan part out of it. If you need then you can use osmosis for filtering streets and buildings out of it.

  • Second possibility is to use jxapi to extract streets and buildings of Manhattan. Afterwards you need osmosis to merge these files.

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answered 22 Jun '11, 22:25

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Almost always the quickest & easiest way to get data for a large city, such as New York City, is to find a prepared extract containing that city. Geofabrik offer downloads for many areas including individual US states.

So I would suggest downloading a NY state extract, and then using Osmosis to cut out a bounding box from that file for your area of interest. Osmosis can also be used to merge OSM files (for instance if you also want parts of NJ).

Trying to download large areas directly from the main API database is likely to incur a block or rate-limiting on your IP address. So as well as being slow, frustrating it's also unlikely to work.

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answered 22 Jun '11, 22:28

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 22 Jun '11, 20:54

question was seen: 13,787 times

last updated: 22 Jun '11, 22:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum