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I've noticed that some proposed features have been staying in the "before-voting" state for quite a long time. For example, this: It is more than two years old, but vote has not been started yet. Is anything wrong with that proposal or with proposal process itself?

asked 11 Sep '17, 20:56

Sergey%20Karavay's gravatar image

Sergey Karavay
accept rate: 0%

Simple: not enough interest (by the proposer, the community, or both). Now and then the proposals have been superseded by others, it simply hasn't been documented.

Note: if no in use tagging scheme exists for whatever you are trying to map, using something that is "just proposed" is naturally perfectly OK (infamous example: amenity=childcare).

permanent link

answered 12 Sep '17, 08:55

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 12 Sep '17, 11:11


You can always search the archive of the [tagging mailing list] to see whether the proposal was discussed there. In this case there was some discussion on charging devices and USB ports

(12 Sep '17, 09:43) escada

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question asked: 11 Sep '17, 20:56

question was seen: 1,311 times

last updated: 12 Sep '17, 11:11

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