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I am a newbie. Made changes to some trails around Crowsnest Pass Alberta, Canada about a week ago. I can only see the changes in Mapnik, but no other 3rd party software even if I clear their cache. I also tried looking at OSM Bike map and OSM Trail map - the changes aren't there either. Why? Did I miss a step?

asked 10 Sep '17, 23:11

pbcnp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


By "Mapnik" I presume you mean the "Standard Layer" here? At lest 2 of the 4 layers on actually use "Mapnik" (the software).

I'm not sure what you mean by "OSM Bike Map" and "OSM Trail Map" - there are several maps that could be described as those.

On the main site, the "standard" map updates almost immediately, the cycle and transport layers every week or so (ish). Not sure about the humanitarian layer.

(10 Sep '17, 23:26) SomeoneElse ♦

Yes, by Mapnik I mean the standard layer. Updates visible there. My 3rd party app (Alpinequest) also gives me the option to download Cycle/Hike Map from OpenStreetMap site... that one doesn't show my changes... so i guess what you are saying is I need to wait longer to see those changes there right? Thanks.

(11 Sep '17, 04:23) pbcnp

I expect that Alpinequest produce the maps used on their app from the osm data.
Support forum is mentioned here

(11 Sep '17, 06:05) nevw

Alpinequest is not the problem. Þheir app performs as it should. If the cycle/hiking map doesn't have the data there isn't much Alpinequest can do.

(11 Sep '17, 06:51) pbcnp

Re "If the cycle/hiking map doesn't have the data there isn't much Alpinequest can do" sure they can - they could maintain a set of map tiles themselves in whatever map styles they want rather than relying on someone else's server to create map tiles for them.

(11 Sep '17, 12:14) SomeoneElse ♦

Note that the OSM "Standard layer" continually renders changes made to the OSM database. The Cycle map is rendered only about once a week, so if you are unlucky it will take that long for your changes to show up in your app.
Some OSM based maps are rendered once a day while others are rendered once a week, every 2 weeks, every 3 months or whatever suits them.
If the changes are in the OSM database, we can't do more (except from maybe bribe Andy to render his map earlier/more often), so I guess you'll just have to wait some more.

permanent link

answered 11 Sep '17, 12:05

Hjart's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

edited 11 Sep '17, 12:09

I edited this area and it still is not reflected, only when I approach to enter edit mode they see

(26 Mar '19, 16:08) Gamadarkness

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question asked: 10 Sep '17, 23:11

question was seen: 2,155 times

last updated: 26 Mar '19, 16:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum