Is it possible to switch layers via hotkey? |
No. At the current time not, as far as I am aware. The keyboard shortcuts list has all the sneaky key presses available by default. There's additional ones which can be registered by plugins, but as far as I'm aware, there are no keyboard shortcuts for swapping between layers. Could be a handy feature to add. One problem though, is that JOSM is running out of available keys for keyboard shortcuts! I guess it would be good to have 'select next layer' available as an action which you can bind to a key if desired. Just do it the EMACS way...bind something to Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift-Whatever
(09 Aug '10, 19:39)
Baloo Uriza
Try hitting |
There is backqoute (`) character which switches imagery layers. Depending on what layers you have open (and their opacity), you can use it to switch other imagery source on/off |