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I want to create a map with Umap using Bing aerial image as the background. The map will display the places and related stories of the migrants who are now in Paris, France, but no geographical information. As I only intend to use the background image with no additional information (no names, no place, nothing) there shouldn't be any copyright problem with Bing. Does someone know what URL I should write for Bing in the related box in Umap ? Or does someone have an alternative solution / tool to create such a map ?

asked 08 Sep '17, 15:08

ThierryPayet974's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you are using, there is an IGN background available.

(08 Sep '17, 16:02) ybon

Thank you. I did realize this and the IGN layer is my actual background. But the definition of the IGN aerial map is very good for France and very limited for the other countries which the migrants relate to (Africa, Europe, Asia). As my map is about "showing the ground" as a sensitive information, I'm trying to improve the IGN solution with Bing...

(11 Sep '17, 19:50) ThierryPayet974

The operator of the umap instance needs to configure available background layers (well at least it was that way the last time I worked on umap), they will need to get an API key from bing to do add a bing layer (the free tier is reasonably large so that shouldn't be a big issue).

permanent link

answered 08 Sep '17, 15:34

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 08 Sep '17, 21:44

Thank you. Any idea how to contact the people from Bing to get the API key ?

(11 Sep '17, 20:00) ThierryPayet974

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question asked: 08 Sep '17, 15:08

question was seen: 2,643 times

last updated: 11 Sep '17, 20:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum