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Are there any accepted ways of tagging luggage storages (on train stations, for example)? Tag amenity=luggage_locker is proposed, but even it seems not to fit the purpose well.

asked 06 Sep '17, 11:27

Sergey%20Karavay's gravatar image

Sergey Karavay
accept rate: 0%

Why wouldn't amenity=luggage_locker work? Perhaps the plural would be better (luggage_lockers).

(07 Sep '17, 12:38) SimonPoole ♦

FWIW taginfo favours the singular , and that's the most popular value containing "luggage" and "locker" .

(07 Sep '17, 20:20) SomeoneElse ♦

@SimonPoole, simply because it should be plural, not singular. And because that value was only proposed, not accepted.

(07 Sep '17, 21:42) Sergey Karavay

we have other examples where we use the singular form: e.g. shop=car Not every tag has to be approved to be used. OSM has a free form tagging system. And while it is better to ask/discuss in some cases to avoid duplicates or wrong wording, you can use a proposed tag without problems.

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answered 08 Sep '17, 06:31

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%


Actually, is there a discussion for a standard for naming (plural/singular/wording/AmE/BrE)?

(09 Sep '17, 10:13) Sergey Karavay

Generally speaking it's British English over American English, though there are exceptions to that - American English "sidewalk" is preferred to the British English alternatives "footpath" or "pavement" because they mean other things in different English dialects. As for singular vs plural, if "taginfo" shows a preference then I'd go with that.

There's a mailing list on which everyone can express their opinion about the right or wrong way to tag things. You will see conflicting views there, which is part of the discussion process.

What everyone will agree on though is that it's better to tag something with a less than ideal tag (perhaps only a description) and then retag it better later, than not tag it at all.

(09 Sep '17, 11:24) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 06 Sep '17, 11:27

question was seen: 3,464 times

last updated: 09 Sep '17, 11:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum