I would love to use openstreetmap to give directions to our meetings. How do I generate link which can be sent via email, sms etc? In googlemaps I can easily place a marker and than send a link like this to my collegues http://maps.google.com/maps?q=V%C3%A1clavsk%C3%A9+n%C3%A1m%C4%9Bst%C3%AD+2,+Praha,+%C4%8Cesk%C3%A1+republika&hl=cs&ie=UTF8&ll=50.083802,14.423847&spn=0.002427,0.003363&z=18 How to do this using openstreetmap, or any other site using OSM data? I think that it is very basic usage of map data, which would greatly promote OSM project. Jakub asked 22 Jun '11, 01:07 gorn aseerel4c26 ♦ |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question (that makes no sense to maintain the same issue at two pages). See https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/25/how-do-i-add-a-marker-to-a-map" by aseerel4c26 20 Aug '13, 12:22
After the changes on osm website, there is now very simple way to do it. Just click the share button and check "add marker". Than you can adjust its position and get link to be shared. answered 20 Aug '13, 11:04 gorn |
Simpiest solution is http://m.osmtools.de/ it is a pity something as simple is well so hidden (I did not find this in google after hours of searching). answered 02 Jul '11, 14:52 gorn |
A similar question has previously been asked and answered here: How do I add a marker to a map? Most of the solutions for that question will generate a link that can be shared with others. answered 22 Jun '11, 16:57 Tordanik |
Simplest way would be to use general map on openstreetmap.org then click permalink in lower right corner. You will get link in your address bar. Now change lat to mlat and lon to mlon and that's it. Or you could have both sets of lat and lon and mlat and mlon if You wish to have marker not in center of map. There probably is more handy way to use this than editing permalink by hand, but for all my needs it's enough. answered 22 Jun '11, 07:31 Jaszczur 1
After clicking Permalink you could also copy the link address that Shortlink links to which is often more suitable for tweeting or emailing, and append ?m though I think this only offers the equivalent of Example 1 above, and not differently centred. e.g. http://osm.org/go/0OBMXUdb6--?m should be as Example 1 above
(22 Jun '11, 09:00)
EdLoach ♦
Sorry, but I can not accept Jaszczur answer. I can't picture myself proposing this "simple" way to all our team mates. It would not be accepted even before I have a chance to explain all subtleties of exiting url. For geeks: I define simple as - I can explain it to my grandmother.
(02 Jul '11, 14:53)
Ok. Bad luck. OSM is currently not suitable for your grandmother.
(02 Jul '11, 21:04)
Richard ♦
Yes, that is it. Basically my question was - is there osm service providing map sharing suitable for my grandmother ;-) ... BTW http://m.osmtools.de/ is quite good.
(19 Jul '12, 21:45)
See that other, older question: how-do-i-add-a-marker-to-a-map?