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Are there any acceptable ways to tag public changing rooms on beaches?

asked 05 Sep '17, 11:43

Sergey%20Karavay's gravatar image

Sergey Karavay
accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Sep '17, 15:27

(29 Jun '19, 16:44) andy mackey

After some "research" into this, I have personally settled on amenity=dressing_room.

First, it is the only tag I could find with a wiki page at .

Second, from all the tags I could find it has the highest use. While not by a very high absolute margin, given the small overall number of such features mapped, that is also a good indicator.

  • amenity=dressing_room 128
  • amenity=changing_room 42
  • amenity=changing_rooms 4
  • amenity=change_room 1
  • amenity=changing_cubicle 1
  • amenity=changing_booth 0
  • amenity=change_booth 0
permanent link

answered 29 Jun '19, 16:07

Richlv's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 29 Jun '19, 16:13


Ah, perhaps because I dabbled in the theatre in my youth, to me a dressing room is a place where actors prepare before going on stage (clothing, make-up, possibly booze if one is Peter O'Toole, etc), whereas a changing room is found in swimming pools & clothes shops!

(30 Jun '19, 22:03) SK53 ♦

A good point, but the tag stats & wiki page push for dressing_room. Would it be considered incorrect?

(30 Jun '19, 22:08) Richlv

I don't have a suggestion for the primary tag (amenity=?) but you can consider using recommended tags from amenity=shower and amenity=toilets as change rooms are usually some combination of change area, shower and toilets.

  • toilets=yes/no (are there toilets inside the change room)
  • shower=yes/no (are there showers inside the change room)
  • shower:hot_water=yes/fee/no (do the showers have hot water)
  • fee=yes/no (is there a fee for using this facility)
  • opening_hours=*
  • operator=*
  • supervised=yes/no/interval
  • wheelchair=yes/no/limited
  • female=yes/no
  • male=yes/no
  • drinking_water=yes/no (is drinking water available within this facility)

It's more of a tagging list discussion if these features should be amenity=toilets (with shower=yes/no, change_area=yes/no), amenity=shower (with toilets=yes/no, change_area=yes/no), or amenity=change_room (with toilets=yes/no, shower=yes/no). In my experience these are equally toilets, change facilities, and showers with no clear winner, unfortunately you can't use amenity=toilets + amenity=shower + amenity=change_room together on the same feature)

permanent link

answered 07 Sep '17, 02:08

aharvey's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

The interesting thing that in my case changing room is completely separated, you can only change clothes there.

(07 Sep '17, 07:07) Sergey Karavay

In theory one could use amenity=foo;bar;baz, but data consumers don't support that.

(07 Sep '17, 07:34) dsh4

@ddh exactly. That's why I've asked about accepted ways of tagging. I think this amenity is worth proposal.

(07 Sep '17, 07:42) Sergey Karavay

@Sergey Karava. I agree, change rooms should have some tags to map them. I don't have the answers but I'd like to see a proposal deal with the fact that some change rooms have toilets, some have showers, some have both, some have neither. With support for tagging all the extra attributes about those toilets or showers.

(07 Sep '17, 07:53) aharvey

@dsh4 I can think of at least one data consumer (me!) that supports some "foo;bar;baz" combinations on certain tags, but you're right that it's pretty rare.

(09 Sep '17, 10:08) SomeoneElse ♦

@SomeoneElse, may I wonder, what application do you run?

(09 Sep '17, 10:11) Sergey Karavay

@Sergey it's just a renderer. One of the style rules that processes semicolons is:

so that this fast food place:

is displayed with a more appropriate icon than a generic one:

(09 Sep '17, 11:31) SomeoneElse ♦

@SomeoneElse, nice👍

(09 Sep '17, 17:51) Sergey Karavay
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question asked: 05 Sep '17, 11:43

question was seen: 2,602 times

last updated: 30 Jun '19, 22:08

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