My question seems simple, however I cannot find any example in nodes definition in connection whith it. Suppose there is a node whith amenity=bar. When new owners come and replace old ones and open à new bar, should I update all node tags or should I delete and create à new node? As There is still an amenity at the same place, until now I chose the second option. Now another case: a bar closes and nobody renew it. I did deletion in these cases because otherwhise it appears as existing whereas it is closed. I realize now that maybe I should use the "disused" keyword instead because it is physically still there. I guess the map should display what exists, the fact that it is closed should be tagged in the data. One or those I deleted is a brand new bar and I have to recreate a bar whereas I could have reused the old one with position data. So in the end, in which cases should I delete a node ? |
Simply rename/update the existing node, doing that keeps the object history easily accessible (if you delete it, that is still available, but you need to know the object id to retrieve it). If things really don't exist any more and there is no chance of reopening, then pls delete the object in question. |