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I was able to download street map tiles for offline usage (openstreetmap), but cant find satellite map tiles. Is there anyway I can get it?

asked 31 Aug '17, 04:26

Vishal%20O%20Patel's gravatar image

Vishal O Patel
accept rate: 0%

OpenStreetMap is created by volunteers and is a project to collect geospatial data as vector data. Our volunteers cannot afford to buy a satellite. That's why we don't have satellite imagery. You could either check if governmental agencies offer public domain aerial or satellite imagery of Florida. For example, the Landsat imagery is public domain.

Or you go to a provider of satellite imagery as a tile service. Please check if the plan you are interested in allows fetching tiles in bulk for offline usage. Fetching tiles in bulk automatically puts much strain on a tile server. That's why it is not permitted on the tile servers available at * because they are paid by donations and maintained by volunteers.

permanent link

answered 31 Aug '17, 10:41

Nakaner's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 31 Aug '17, 04:26

question was seen: 2,983 times

last updated: 31 Aug '17, 10:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum