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I've downloaded and have a .osm file of the data (nodes, ways, areas) as it looked over a country in 2011 and in 2017. I have the changeset and history files as well.

I'd like to create a map with a time slider showing contributions as they occurred. On a black country background, I'd like to display compounding changes in a subtle color (grey or white) and as the slider advances, for every iteration (be it month or year) highlight in a brighter color the changes/additions that were made during that time iteration (be it a year or a month). As it advances to the next iteration those changes are no longer highlighted but are added to the compounding overall changes that are grey or white.

I think I would need to use the history and changeset files to derive a .osm snapshot of the nodes, ways, areas that were added during each iteration in time (2011, 2012, 2013...2017 if I was doing years). If I then combine them into one csv file could I then add them to say CARTODB and make this visualization?

asked 30 Aug '17, 15:42

walshep's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes I deleted that one. Edited it and posting here as I think OSM help forum is more appropriate.

(30 Aug '17, 17:08) walshep

Your project is quite ambitious and you can't expect a complete solution to your question here. There are many ways to go about this.

Here is one piece of the puzzle: You can use the time-filter command of osmium-tool to get each point in time you want out of the history file. After that any of the usual ways of rendering the data works and you can generate a map image for each point in time and the combine them.

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answered 31 Aug '17, 08:21

Jochen%20Topf's gravatar image

Jochen Topf
accept rate: 31%

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question asked: 30 Aug '17, 15:42

question was seen: 2,438 times

last updated: 02 Sep '17, 20:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum