Is there any way to save map data (when you are online)in the way that you could use the web window (i.e. offline? I should say that I am new in the openstreet World. Olof |
You need to state target device and operating system to get a proper answer. In general you can't user the OSM site offline, but there are numerous other ways to use OpenStreetMap data offline for maps, search and routing purposes. Just to clarify: i want to download map data to some file structure so that I can browse that file offline with similar URL (C:\file?#map=12/59.000/16.000). I suppose I need some server program running on my computer (ordinary laptop with Windows 10) Thanks for your answer Olof
(30 Aug '17, 09:46)
Don't laugh, but on Windows 10 you may be able to simply use to generate local map tiles by installing Ubuntu on it. I've not tried it, and as Windows 10 has a different filesystem to Linux it's not guaranteed to work, but it's worth a try. If that doesn't work then a Linux VM definitely will. However that may be more work than you need just to "view an offline map" - there are some options in the wiki. |