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running the following command:

osmium time-filter country.osh.pbf 2011-03-03T23:59:59Z -o country2011.osh.pbf

Receiving the following warning "You are writing to a file marked as having multiple object versions, but there will be only a single version of each object"

What does this mean exactly?

What I'm trying to do is extract the history for that country from inception till March 3rd 2011. Am I using the right command?


asked 24 Aug '17, 23:52

walshep's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Osmium autodetects the file ending .osh as a history file (which can contain multiple versions of the same object) and .osm as a non-history file (which contains at most one version of an OSM object). So you are reading from a history file and writing to a history file. But we know that the output will only contain at most one version of any object, that's what this command is for. So you should use an .osm suffix and you'll not get the warning.

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answered 25 Aug '17, 07:22

Jochen%20Topf's gravatar image

Jochen Topf
accept rate: 31%

Thanks for clarifying Jochen. I needed an osh.pbf so I just used the following

osmium timefilter country.osh.pbf 2007-03-03T23:59:59Z 2011-03-03T23:59:59Z -o country2011.osh.pbf to get the output I needed.

(27 Aug '17, 23:58) walshep

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question asked: 24 Aug '17, 23:52

question was seen: 2,640 times

last updated: 27 Aug '17, 23:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum