running the following command: osmium time-filter country.osh.pbf 2011-03-03T23:59:59Z -o country2011.osh.pbf Receiving the following warning "You are writing to a file marked as having multiple object versions, but there will be only a single version of each object" What does this mean exactly? What I'm trying to do is extract the history for that country from inception till March 3rd 2011. Am I using the right command? Thanks |
Osmium autodetects the file ending Thanks for clarifying Jochen. I needed an osh.pbf so I just used the following osmium timefilter country.osh.pbf 2007-03-03T23:59:59Z 2011-03-03T23:59:59Z -o country2011.osh.pbf to get the output I needed.
(27 Aug '17, 23:58)