I'm programming an interface which allow to draw path fo drones. But I need to know if there are buildings(and infos like height) on the drone's path. Even an estimation would be fine for me. I'm wondering how this website estimate the building height without infos like building:levels https://osmbuildings.org/?lat=48.13475&lon=-1.63061&zoom=19&rotation=0&tilt=30 Thank you |
Perhaps someone with more knowledge about OSM Buildings' implementation can add some information here, but 3D renderers often use the same default height for all buildings without If you want to go down that road, one resource that you could use to guess heights is the value of the building key. While most buildings use Ultimately, though, I doubt that you can produce sufficiently reliable estimates on that basis. Keep in mind that, even though these tags are a lot more common than level counts or height measurements, they are still only available for a minority of buildings. And even where they exist, there are exceptions for all assumptions one might make about "normal" heights for a particular building category. Not to mention that we may not "even" have the building outlines at all (while OSM probably has the best building coverage of all map data providers on a global scale, it is still very patchy).
(17 Aug '17, 20:46)
SimonPoole ♦
Naxos222, please remember to use the old boy-scouts trick, measure the building with a pencil at the length of your arm on its base and the height. And use that to determine the height of the building. There's one problem you’ll have to make a local survey. Or choose to count the levels and estimate the height of a level as well. 4
Unless I'm mistaken, naxos222 is asking about extracting and/or extrapolating height information from the existing data, not measuring the height to add to the data.
(17 Aug '17, 23:58)
alester yes, its possible using programmes to build up the elevation, but its special and priceless. Needless to say, that I don’t expect any mapper to have that that kind of tools or even the right valuable views to use with the program, images up to 5 cm in detail. A mapper should use what’s legal possible and available during a survey, is n't it ? Although this is not a platform for reply’s I recon you should get one anyway.
(18 Aug '17, 00:30)
Hendrikklaas, the OP is asking as a data consumer, not as a mapper. He is not asking for tools nor methods to use during survey. Actually, he is asking to make up data that is not there. Data that current 3D engines seems to make up randomly, so completely useless for his purposes.
(18 Aug '17, 04:10)
Hendrikklass, Alester and Escada are right but thank you for reply anyway
(18 Aug '17, 10:48)