I am trying to download the planet.osm file from some dates of 2013 (http://planet.openstreetmap.org/planet/2013/) and I have just noticed that all the URLs for that year, and also for the rest of them, are not working:
Does anybody know if this as been happening for a while or if it is only the result of some maintenance tasks of the web server? Thanks you in advance, Fermín |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by frose 17 Aug '17, 09:52
There is already an issue open here https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues on that or a similar problem. It doesn't make sense to report such issues here because there is literally nothing we can do about it and it is not really a useful question. Thanks. I did not know this was not the place to post this kind of issues, but at least it was useful as the user that re-posted this problem in GitHub used this URL as reference. Thank you for the information. I will delete this, if it is possible, when the problem is solved in order to not make the reference of GitHub useless.
(17 Aug '17, 08:26)
Link to the actual GitHub issue: https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues/171
(17 Aug '17, 09:59)
scai ♦