I'm working on a project that downloads data from openstreetmap by querying to
I do not understand what the limitations are, and especially how I can solve it. Can someone help me? |
You're attempting to download too much data or too quickly. The usage policies of the various Overpass API instances can be found here. 1
Unfortunately these usage policies seem to be pretty incomplete. For example some instances have a limit on the maximum number of parallel requests which isn't mentioned here.
(14 Aug '17, 18:42)
scai ♦
Thanks a lot! Is there a way to query without limits? Maybe another server?
(14 Aug '17, 20:29)
Sorry, but you obviously don't understand something fundamental. Most, if not essentially all, these servers are run by volunteers with hardware and operating costs funded out of donations or the volunteers own pockets. As a consequence you should not be asking if there is a unlimited service if your usage is outside the usage limits, you should either be asking how you can help or run your own service (perferably providing free access for third parties yourself).
(14 Aug '17, 21:13)
SimonPoole ♦
يظهر لي خطاء في تحميل البيانات لماذا "I'm getting a mistake in downloading data why" Please post a new question and describe in detail what you did.
(26 May '20, 04:29)