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Recently I deleted some buildings, that have been torn down, though the buildings are still visible on the aerial imagery. If someone sees the houses on the background map, but not in the OSM database, he will probably just re-add the building, not knowing that it doesn't exist anymore. How can I prevent someone from adding the object to OSM again? Or are there always edit wars going on, until a newer satellite imagery is available?

asked 13 Aug '17, 11:42

wanderw%C3%BCtiger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

If buildings are torn down, but still visible in current aerial imagery, it's recommended that rather than just delete them, you tag them with a lifecycle prefix. In your case you would probably want to use "demolished:". Note that you'll end up with buildings tagged "demolished:building=yes" rather than just "building=yes". This way they will no longer be rendered, but just act as a notification to other mappers.

permanent link

answered 13 Aug '17, 13:30

Hjart's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

edited 13 Aug '17, 18:08

Seems like Trash icon/delete button could be smarter and give user the option to a) really delete mistake vs. b) hide object with lifecycle tag (or whatever) to prevent someone from wasting time, effort re-creating from scratch. #trash #delete #UI #UX #FeatureRequest

(31 Oct '22, 08:01) DougGrinbergs

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question asked: 13 Aug '17, 11:42

question was seen: 2,263 times

last updated: 31 Oct '22, 08:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum