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I would like to add my first relation in iD editor.

Let it be Give Way relation How I can do it?

asked 12 Aug '17, 19:27

batat's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

With an object that will be part of the relation selected, scroll to the bottom of the left panel. There is a section "All Relations". To create a new relation, click the + button there and then "New relation".

Because give_way is not in the presets, you will have to select the generic relation preset (bottom of the list) and then manually enter give_way in the type field. Then set the appropriate role for the object you selected.

Next select another object that is part of the relation and use the relation panel to find the newly created relation and add the selected object and set the role. Repeat until the relation is complete. Clicking the relation there will bring up a panel showing all the members of the relation.

It may be necessary to cut a way before adding it to the relation.

permanent link

answered 12 Aug '17, 20:19

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 12 Aug '17, 19:27

question was seen: 5,380 times

last updated: 12 Aug '17, 20:19

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