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When I go to it shows me my 10 most recently-edited maps, and I can click "More" at the bottom to see older ones. However this only seems to go back so far - once it's showing 50 maps, the "More" button doesn't show up. I have more than 50 maps (including my private ones) and would like to be able to go back to the older ones too! How can I access these?

asked 10 Aug '17, 17:36

Kake's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Wow, you are very productive :) This is an hard limit, I'll increase it for next release. For now, you need to use the search to retrieve your old maps.

permanent link

answered 10 Aug '17, 18:06

ybon's gravatar image

accept rate: 42%

Thank you! FWIW, I think I probably have around 100 maps, and I make a new one roughly once a week (more often at certain times of year) because I use them to plan walks.

The search only seems to bring up public maps, unfortunately, and most of mine are limited to people who have the link.

(10 Aug '17, 18:12) Kake

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question asked: 10 Aug '17, 17:36

question was seen: 2,155 times

last updated: 10 Aug '17, 18:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum