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I am importing north-america osm data using osm2pgsql in slim mode. i am only importing roads data. after import the total size of the db around 45gb. most of the space is occupied by planet_osm_nodes and planet_osm_ways. I know i can use --drop option and the size will dramatically increase but that would not allow updating the database. Will I be able to update the database if i truncate these tables after update? i see that the updates run just fine but I think i might be missing something as i am new to the whole osm thing.

asked 07 Aug '17, 14:29

aitizazk's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Truncating the tables is unlikely to work.

What osm2pgsql does when importing is to build the geometry for the roads by going through the list of nodes in a way and building a linestring from the coordinates stored in the nodes. If the geometry of a way changes the linestring is rebuilt, this implies that osm2pgsql needs access to all the original nodes of the way and not just the ones that changed in the diff.

You might be able to save a bit of space by using the --flat-nodes option which stores nodes in a file instead of a database table (see ),

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answered 07 Aug '17, 17:56

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 07 Aug '17, 18:03

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question asked: 07 Aug '17, 14:29

question was seen: 2,416 times

last updated: 07 Aug '17, 18:03

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