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Hello, i finished working on a task some time ago but forgot to mark as done, how do i find the particular task i was working on earlier in order to mark as done?

asked 07 Aug '17, 04:40

Queensmum's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%


Are you referring to the a task in the HOT Task Manager ?

(07 Aug '17, 06:37) escada

@escada i just want to know if its the right procedure

(08 Aug '17, 14:55) Queensmum

Yes please a task within the map for project #2361 - Tanzania Development Trust: Tabora district mapping project. For example, i go to this project and i want to go to task # 472, is there a way to search in a box somewhere for task # 472 or can i select any box within the map then clear the task # e.g 472 and type e.g Task 471 if i prefer to go to Task # 471 click search, so it takes me straight there.

I just found the solution - i realised i can only view my old tasks by going though my profile page, view my projects and select activity, and find those related to my username.

permanent link

answered 08 Aug '17, 14:54

Queensmum's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%


@Queensmum I've accepted this as an answer - hope that's OK.

(08 Aug '17, 15:02) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 07 Aug '17, 04:40

question was seen: 1,566 times

last updated: 08 Aug '17, 15:02

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