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I'm creating a commercial android & ios application for different organizations(per organization 50000 requests per day) in the single app, It might be 50+ organizations. where a user can see the bus in a map for tracking purpose even there kids also by just entering their user name & password & admin will see the map in a web application, admin can see all bus in a web application. so this for map openstreet map we'll use & some Google map api for direction.

So can I use the openstreet map or leafletjs for mapping in my commercial application (any key to enter for one organization for one project) & it's free to use or not

if yes, free for life time to use then how should I use as custom coding documentation? If helping in hands then I would like to donate some for openstreet map for helping me.

asked 31 Jul '17, 14:29

ranveerneemkar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Displaying a map in an application has two sides: A legal side ("have you cleared the intellectual property rights to use this data") and a technical side ("is there a server that you can load the map from").

With OpenStreetMap, on the legal side it's totally free (under the ODbL license) and you are allowed to use it commercially.

On the technical side there are different providers of OpenStreetMap map tiles that you can consume in your app. Some are commercial and will charge you money to access tiles; the donation-funded server has a tile usage policy that may change at any time; while limited commercial use is not discouraged, there is no promise of free commercial use for life.

You can also set up your own tile server using OpenStreetMap data, making you independent of third-party providers. Documentation about this is to be found on

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answered 31 Jul '17, 15:37

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

The data provided by OSM is open source: You copy and use it all you want with no royalties or licensing. If you are modifying the data and redistributing, then you will have licensing issues, but it sounds like what you need are map tiles.

Map tiles are provided pretty much for demonstration purposes and commercial use of those is not allowed. But instructions exist on how you can set up your own map server using OSM data. If you do that then you have no licensing and can even customized the appearance if desired. If that is beyond you desires, you can contract with a number of commercial operators who provide map tiles based on OpenStreetMap data.

I suggest you start looking a the wiki page about business use of OSM.

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answered 31 Jul '17, 15:35

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 31 Jul '17, 14:29

question was seen: 5,717 times

last updated: 31 Jul '17, 15:37

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