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I am trying to make some 2 types of location map (in SVG format) for our club showing where to find various sporting venues. The first is a large scale map showing only major roads, railways, rivers etc plus some landmarks such as pubs, shops etc. The second is a smaller scale map showing the immediate area.

There is a wealth of data in the OSM map file which I need to hide but not sure how to do this. I can see two ways:

  1. edit the downloaded data and delete the elements I don't need using (eg) JOSM;
  2. use a renderer to only display the items of interest.

Slightly worried that if I do (1) I will accidentally upload the data back to OSM and wipe out someone's hard work. Also, not sure how to see what I have deleted using JOSM - I only get an edit view rather than a rendered view.

(2) sounds safer but looking through the XML file I am not sure how to find the data I need to display - it would be great if I could do this graphically. I understand that I need to render the maps in both cases to produce the SVG file using (eg) Osmarender. Presumably I can run this from a DOS prompt (running Windows)?

Sorry for so many questions but the whole process seems a bit daunting. Thanks in advance

asked 13 Jun '11, 18:13

pet_griffin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Jun '11, 13:29

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦

Use Maperitive. Load the unmodified OSM file and start rendering using the default (OSM Mapnik-like) stylesheet. Then remove rules from the stylesheet for anything you don't want on your map.

Once you're done, you can export the map to SVG.

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answered 13 Jun '11, 20:57

Breki's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

The OSM editor "Merkaartor" ( is also able to produce SVG output of OSM data.

(27 Jun '11, 12:12) stephan75

You can also generate your own tiles with Maperitive if you wanted to upload those to your site. You'd need some HTML to display them, perhaps based on my example here:

(29 May '12, 11:45) EdLoach ♦

The simplest way is to export the map as an SVG file and using your favorite SVG editor remove the items you do not want and change the colors/icons to your liking. No need to install a renderer.

If you want complete control over how the map is going to look like you should make your own rule file that only displays the elements that you want and using the icons and style you want. On one-of maps there is often manual postprocessing on the svg file to fine tune the details and make the map look perfect.

If you are afraid that you will upload data with JOSM you can delete your token in the settings. JOSM will then ask you for your username and password before uploading anything.

The easiest way for you is just try and install osmarender and try to render a few maps. Maybe try and change a few rendering rules or editing the map using an SVG editor.

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answered 13 Jun '11, 19:29

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 26 Jun '11, 01:56

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 13 Jun '11, 18:13

question was seen: 9,003 times

last updated: 29 May '12, 11:45

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