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Hi All, I want to create a live map for control cars on road. I am getting confused to implement this idea. My confusion is how to start it there is mapbox and osm i don't know which one to use. My requirement are:

  • I can edit the road for adding custom symbol etc.
  • I can controls the cars on road.
  • i can see the moving cars like uber

i will very thankful if somebody suggest me. thanks

asked 31 Jul '17, 07:16

Anuj-786's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What you are asking for is a larger, commercial-grade system and you will have to do a lot of research yourself, but as a general sketch you are looking for:

  1. a background map that simply shows roads, place names and so on; this is usually made from tiles and these tiles are made from OpenStreetMap data; you can install the software that makes these tiles yourself, or you can buy the service from a vendor like Mapbox (see for other vendors).
  2. a database in which you keep your own annotations (custom symbols for roads etc.) because you don't want to upload that to OpenStreetMap
  3. a system that collects the vehicle locatios and stores them in a database
  4. a front-end that displays the background map, your annotation overlay, and a vehicle overlay; some tile vendors will have their own libraries you can use, or you could use the Open Source libraries Leaflet or OpenLayers (for a web app)

I'm not sure how you want to "control cars on the road" but that componet would also have to be added.

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answered 31 Jul '17, 09:52

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

hi Frederik, thanks a lot answer. In simple suppose i vane 10 cars and they are in city and i want to controls those cars. controls mean i can see where is my car1, car2 ... car10 and also cane see the moving direction of cars like they are still are runnig.

(31 Jul '17, 10:04) Anuj-786

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question asked: 31 Jul '17, 07:16

question was seen: 2,759 times

last updated: 31 Jul '17, 10:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum