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There are two different schools (primary and secondary) sharing one main building and one yard. Following this article (Situations where multiple tags may be needed) there should be two tags amenity=school inside the building, but what would be the appropriate value for the landuse= tag for the yard?

asked 27 Jul '17, 20:25

Plamen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Jul '17, 20:25

I doubt it renders as anything special in most renderers but landuse=school has over 4,800 uses

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answered 28 Jul '17, 08:50

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

How about tagging the grounds as two ways with the same nodes? Supposing the perimeter of the schools' grounds is nodes ABCD, the first way would have nodes ABCD and tags amenity=school and name="First school", the second way would have nodes ABCD and tags amenity=school and name="Second school", the building would be tagged just building=school, and there wouldn't be separate nodes for the schools. (Then there's no need for a landuse tag; of course, there may be a leisure=pitch in the yard.)

I might be overly creative here.

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answered 28 Jul '17, 13:11

dsh4's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

I don't like that this creates duplicate data by having two identical ways.

(28 Jul '17, 14:48) neuhausr

I suppose you could have one way and represent each school as an amenity=school relation with that way being a member of the relation.

(29 Jul '17, 16:50) dsh4

amenity=school should include the grounds, per the wiki. landuse=school was a proposal that never was voted on, or even had much discussion, so I'd tend not to use it.

For the names:

  • You could tag both names on the amenity=school way bounding the grounds, separated by a semicolon
  • You could leave the names untagged on the amenity=school way bounding the grounds, and create two amenity=school nodes within the grounds with name information
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answered 28 Jul '17, 14:44

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%


The problem with this though is you end up with either one (semi-colon suggestion) or three (external way and two nodes) amenity=school objects to represent two schools.

(28 Jul '17, 17:33) EdLoach ♦
  • Semicolon proposal - what about additional tags? Grades, fee, wikipedia, etc... Even the capacity is different, although they share the same building.
  • Second proposal creates amenity inside amenity also. May be I will end up with landuse=school even not in the wiki. This is very rare case, and most mappers prefer to use amenity for the whole yard, but it is valid for single school cases only.
(28 Jul '17, 21:11) Plamen

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question asked: 27 Jul '17, 20:25

question was seen: 2,594 times

last updated: 29 Jul '17, 16:50

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