I would like to find a particular bicycle rental node on the map, similar to https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4949496890 but with Is this something that the site search can do? Is there an advanced search interface somewhere? |
The Wizard interface on Overpass Turbo splits the difference between simplicity and power. Here's your ref using the Wizard: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/qCV The Great, that's exactly the kind of interface I was looking for, thanks!
(26 Jul '17, 23:39)
Yes, to be sure to find bicycle rental nodes only, you'll want to enter "type:node & amenity=bicycle_rental & ref=0067 global" into the wizard. If you know roughly where it is, you can drop the "global" and just point the window to the right area.
(30 Jul '17, 18:06)