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We have a traffic_sign C12.

alt text

Because this sign works from one side. Their could be no sign on the other side. Other side, it is possible to enter and turn on road or visit a house/field. And go back. The way must set to forward or backward on a small section. Where you do not turn anymore. For the traffic_sign, mofa, moped and motor_vehicle Can this be done with one checkbox? for forward or backward. And not with multiple checkboxes.

<item name="C12 " icon="traffic_signs/NL/NL_C12.png" type="node,way">
        <key key="traffic_sign"value="NL:C12" />
        <key key="motor_vehicle" value="no" />
        <key key="mofa" value="yes" />
        <key key="moped" value="yes" />

        <space />
        <check key="traffic_sign:forward" text="Forward motor_vehicle" default="off" value_off="" value_on="NL:C12" />
        <check key="traffic_sign:backward" text="Backward motor_vehicle" default="off" value_off="" value_on="NL:C12" />
        <check key="motor_vehicle:forward" text="Forward motor_vehicle" default="off" value_off="" value_on="no" />
        <check key="motor_vehicle:backward" text="Backward motor_vehicle" default="off" value_off="" value_on="no" />
        <check key="mofa:forward" text="Forward motor_vehicle" default="off" value_off="" value_on="yes" />
        <check key="mofa:backward" text="Backward motor_vehicle" default="off" value_off="" value_on="yes" />
        <check key="moped:forward" text="Forward motor_vehicle" default="off" value_off="" value_on="yes" />
        <check key="moped:backward" text="Backward motor_vehicle" default="off" value_off="" value_on="yes" />

Off course in above example the original k/v must be replaced by :forward= or :backward=

I can not find any solution in other presets.

Is this possible?

asked 26 Jul '17, 14:48

Allroads's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

edited 26 Jul '17, 14:51

I don't believe this is possible directly, JOSM allows JAVA code in presets so probably there is a way to do it, but likely not easy.

permanent link

answered 30 Jul '17, 20:49

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 26 Jul '17, 14:48

question was seen: 2,248 times

last updated: 30 Jul '17, 20:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum