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This is Sigma. It is the 1st time i am trying to use OSM.I need some data where the ZIPCodes are embedded (i.e, location available with zipcode info). I have some Tweet data and doing some researches using that data. I also want to use some OSM data (if possible) from where i can get the zipcode of an address (or lat/long location) and extract that zipcode with location. OSM data is more realiable than tweets. Do the addresses in OSM also provide zipcode? How can i get something useful? Any other idea?

Thank you for any suggestion.


asked 25 Jul '17, 20:59

sigma13's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The OSM data model represents zipcodes. According to relevant wiki page, there are two possible representations, using the addr:postcode or boundary:postal_code keys. So, you'd want to look for objects that have the addr:postcode key set or that are inside a way tagged boundary:postal_code, depending on which convention is used in your area.

However, note that postcodes would only be available where they have been added to the map by someone. (Not all countries have all postcodes entered/imported into OSM.)

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answered 25 Jul '17, 22:19

dsh4's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

Thank you so much. I am looking at it right now.

How can i download something like that? Do i need to have QGIS?

(28 Jul '17, 15:12) sigma13

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question asked: 25 Jul '17, 20:59

question was seen: 9,757 times

last updated: 28 Jul '17, 15:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum