Two streets in Balçova, İzmir are decided to be one-way and living streets recently. However, they also are the main roads in the district (preferred return path for another one-way road). How should I tag them?
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You have basically two options:
I can't say which option is better for your case. The first option seems to better match the current situation. But I expect traffic patterns to change due to the reduced speed and also the buses might get re-routed eventually.
That is precisely why I suggested
(25 Jul '17, 12:43)
@dsh4 I think we'd need a citation of any car routers honouring "motor_vehicle=designated" for that :)
(25 Jul '17, 12:46)
SomeoneElse ♦
A living street is by definition not a designated street for motor vehicles. I would advise against adding contradictionary tags. Either stick to it being a high-traffic road with a low speed limit or change it to a typical living street.
(25 Jul '17, 13:01)
scai ♦
{living streets}( are a special legal construct/street classification in some countries, by definition they will never be a main road (for which we don't have tagging per se in any case). 1
It is a legal classification in Turkey, too (search for "yaya öncelikli yol"-20km/h speed limit, pedestrian can use whole width of road, neither should impede passage of other). However, the situation I have described really exists on the ground(main road signposted as a living street).
(24 Jul '17, 20:53)
Could you link to the streets on the map please?
It would be unusual for a living street to be a primary road through an area. Perhaps motor_vehicle=designated or highway=pedestrian would suit this situation, but I'm not sure. is one of them. I am also shocked on that street being a living street, because there is considerable car traffic on and one of the busiest bus routes of the city goes through that street. is actually tagged as "highway=secondary" and has been so for 9 months. is an overpass turbo query that looks for highway=living_street in the area - perhaps you were thinking about one of those?
Living street decision is very recent. One-way decision has been made a year ago.