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Hi, I am wandering how to tag a water mill when working in iD browser. Just select on the left site from the screen a point and name it "water mill"seems to be not ok.

Can I import more tags into the iD browser then the ones that are already available in the menu?

Thanks, RDTracker

asked 20 Jul '17, 12:26

RDTracker's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Jul '17, 15:32

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

Just wanted to followup - I added a Watermill preset to iD and it is included in v2.3.2 that was released yesterday. You should be able to map these easily now on

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answered 26 Jul '17, 02:17

bhousel's gravatar image

accept rate: 38%

YES!, Perfect! Thnx BHousel!

(28 Jul '17, 15:53) RDTracker

Yes, you can use whatever tags you want with iD. At the bottom left, you should see "All tags", expand that and you can put in tags you want.

You really really should check what the standard/popular tags are for the feature you want to map. The OSM wiki can help (but it's not definitive). It looks like there is a man_made=watermill tag which is what you need.

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answered 20 Jul '17, 13:29

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

ok, Thnx! The problem is that I don't know how to use this box. when I open "all tags" a pop up menu appears with a selection of items (name, source, power etc). I type "man"and i select "man_made" After that I type "water in the box to the right of this box and a lot of water item appear like waterwell etc BUT NO watermill. I could not find any tutorials to explain how it works and I am not smart enough to figure it out myself..:-)

(20 Jul '17, 15:16) RDTracker

You can just type in watermill. It doesn't matter that it's not in the popups, the OSM system accepts tags as they are.

If you do it, and you're not sure if it's right, feel free to tell us the location and we/I can double check it for you.

(20 Jul '17, 15:27) rorym

Location: 50.9474067, 5.7576891. It is a water mill in a castle building. The name of the water mill is "slakmolen". If I only fill in the name of the object "(slakmolen) it will not be uploaded in osm. Thnx!

(20 Jul '17, 21:18) RDTracker

if you do not know the correct word and it does not appear in any of the popups, you can have a look at e.g.

(20 Jul '17, 21:56) escada

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question asked: 20 Jul '17, 12:26

question was seen: 2,033 times

last updated: 28 Jul '17, 15:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum