Nominatim api gives me road name given a lat, long value which I guess is the nearest one but it doesnot provide wayId. Is there any way to get that information. Or does any of osm v0.6 apis provide this feature. |
Nominatim returns an "osm_type" and "osm_id" which point to the street, if the street is what your query found. Of course your query could also find a bus shelter or a building! You should be able to influence what types of objects are returned if you fiddle with the "zoom" parameter. Just to be clear, do not use that in any kind of "production" app or website where you want to make a larger number of requests (like displaying the "road you are currently on" in a moving car or so). That would be a surefire way to have you and your app blocked from using the server. If you are envisaging that kind of use, download the Nominatim software and the OSM data and set up your own server. nominatim returns osm_type and osm_id for the point(lat,long) I am searching and not for the nearest road. So I cant use that osm id for getting road information later. P.S: I have setup my local nominatim server with my osm dataset.
(18 Jul '17, 13:15)