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The Challow Walkers Car Park ( renders as scrub land on my Etrex 30, and thus does not stand out as it does in the map on the OSM website, even though the 'P' symbol for a car park does appear on the Etrex. Would it be correct to put the car park into a multipolygon relation with the surrounding area of scrubland?

asked 17 Jul '17, 22:26

Madryn's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Yes, it sounds as though the car park genuinely forms a "hole" in the scrub, so a multipolygon sounds like the way to go.

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answered 17 Jul '17, 23:12

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


In this case, though, there is no need for a multipolygon; the scrub's geometry could be changed to exclude the carpark and the way leading to it (treating the carpark + road as an bay/peninsula within the scrub).

Maybe that's what @Hendrikklass meant? I don't understand what he meant to say.

(18 Jul '17, 13:08) dsh4

No, I didn't understand either - that's why I added a separate answer.

(18 Jul '17, 13:23) SomeoneElse ♦

I rather like dsh4's suggestion. I didn't take specific note of the surface of the access track, but I think it's compacted shingle like the car park itself, not a rough track over scrub land.

(18 Jul '17, 18:42) Madryn

Hi Madryn, I would go for KIS ad the carparkspace without the landuse=scrub to the service road leading to it over the road through the area. No scrub on the carpark anymore. Tag the space amenity=parking and usefull tags and tag the track as service=parking_aisle.

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answered 17 Jul '17, 23:03

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 17 Jul '17, 22:26

question was seen: 2,261 times

last updated: 18 Jul '17, 18:42

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