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Comparing the old and current OSM Wiki documentation I cannot find clear/definable difference between the old and the new ("modern") multipolygon descriptions except that the "old" style had no area-type tag, while the "new" style must have it, on the relation level. However, in some app related documents there are examples qualified as "...One particular sub-variant is that inner ways have the same tags as the outer ways..." ( Inner way has same tags) indicating that there are many other old styles as well.

asked 14 Jul '17, 09:23

sanser's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Old-style multipolygons have the area tags on the outer ways, this is now deprecated and does not work any more on the main OSM map style. New-style multipolygons have the area tags on the relation. There are all sorts of special cases with tags also on inner ways or both on outer ways and on the relations which makes this even more complicated. This is the reason why we had to get rid of it.

Now there is only one simple way to tag things: Every tags "belongs" only to the object it is actually on. A tag on a way describes what this way is about, the tags don't influence the relations this way might be in. A tag on a relation describes what this relation is about. The tags on the members of a relation don't change what a relation is about, only the members geometry is used on the relation.

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answered 14 Jul '17, 10:11

Jochen%20Topf's gravatar image

Jochen Topf
accept rate: 31%

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question asked: 14 Jul '17, 09:23

question was seen: 3,228 times

last updated: 14 Jul '17, 10:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum