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Is there a way to connect an entrance to an amenity/a shop/a general POI inside a building?

In a wild example a huge building where the main entrance is on one side and the amenity is on the far side of the building. The amenity has its own entrance that's nearer and should be used instead.

1 - are there any such tags to specify "this entrance can be used for this POI"?
2 - are they consumed?

asked 13 Jul '17, 17:07

FredrikLindseth's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

A building can have more than one entrance (both in reality and in the map). If the entrance that's nearer the amenity is mapped as entrance=main or entrance=yes, I assume routers will use it.

Moreover, you could draw a way from the preferred entrance to the amenity and mark it as highway=corridor (or indoor=corridor). If the amenity is an area, I suppose the best thing would be to create an entrance node on the border of that area (that's a third entrance node, in addition to the two entrance nodes of the building itself) and connect that node to the corridor.

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answered 13 Jul '17, 18:14

dsh4's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 13 Jul '17, 17:07

question was seen: 1,890 times

last updated: 13 Jul '17, 18:14

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