Hello, Some street names contain numbers, and sometimes they are marked using roman numerals. Sometimes, the only difference between different streets is the specific number - for example SomeStreetName III, SomeStreetName V, SomeStreetName IX etc. What's the proper way to mark these streets, especially considering the possibility of finding specific streets using arabic numerals? For example, when somebody searches for SomeStreetName 3, he gets SomeStreetName III. |
I think I'd have the name= tag show it the way it is on the street signs, probably name="SomeStreetName III" based on your description. And then I'd add a alt_name="SomeStreetName 3" for the alternative presentation of the number. The latter could be construed as "tagging for the data consumer" but it seems unlikely that any data consumer would be smart enough to consider "III" the same as "3". |