Hi, I have a local OSM map server setup using ModTile and Renderd. I have two requirements:
There are a number of ways that I can think of to do what you want, plus more that I haven't though of:
Changing the colour requires changing the style for the specific border. As said there are probably other ways of doing this, but as you can see, none of them are likely to be super simple. don't use any borders directly from OSM by disabling the entry in your style Can you help me how to implement this? Which file exactly to modify?
(19 Jul '18, 12:33)
Reshma Maner
Which style are you currently using?
(19 Jul '18, 13:27)
SimonPoole ♦
GIven your other question you probably want to read this post by PlaneMad: https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/PlaneMad/diary/38176. There are also multiple other questions on this site relating to Jammu and Kashmir. Most of the answers are still applicable and may be of help to you.
(19 Jul '18, 18:36)
SK53 ♦