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My weapon of choice is a Garmin Nuvi 50, which uses gmapsupp.img in it's memory card to tell me where the heck I'm going.

My work gives me postcodes to locate the various jobs for the day. Without postcodes, I'm lost. I live in Scotland, right next to the newly build M8 and M74 motorways.

You have a system which makes a gmapsupp.img for me with (hopefully) updated roads. But it doesn't do postcodes.

I have to drive to different locations every day, invariably along the M8/M74, which the garmin now insists I am driving on grassland and farmer's fields, and demands I turn around and head for a road all the time.

Garmin have always been useless at updating the roads in Scotland, so no hope there. But it does do postcodes.

Your image file when downloaded is much better, but as it doesn't do postcodes, is of no use.

I have downloaded the British postcodes (all 2 and a half milion of them) with latitude and longitude to 7 decimals. I also found somewhere that I should process the csv file to an OSM file using GPSBabel. This I have done.

I have installed MKGmap, which is a command line thingy, I hope I'm doing right so far..

Bearing in mind I can only use Linux, what should I do next?

asked 06 Jul '17, 23:31

Me%20Again's gravatar image

Me Again
accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Jul '17, 00:42

A while ago I wrote a simple "how to use mkgmap to create a Garmin map" diary entry: . What that doesn't explain is how to combine a country .pbf file with your .osm file. I'd probably use osmosis for that, but other options are available.

permanent link

answered 07 Jul '17, 12:30

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

I sometimes use OSM to find a location. The lat lon of the centre of the screen is shown in the URL. I can then navigate to these co-ords by just typing them into my Garmin Nuvi 1310t which i have set to decimal degrees. Note:- south of the Equator and west of the Greenwich meridian use negative values. I realise this is only practical for some situations.

(07 Jul '17, 18:35) andy mackey

I now have Osmosis. I now have Splitter As well as previously downloaded GPSBabel & MKGMap

I don't have Windows. If I perused your link correctly, you do. The furthest South I go is the Isle of Wight. All of Scotland (my main place of work) is West of Greenwich.

I now have a GB_postcodes.osm I also have a europe-latest.osm.pbf, and have just made (for some unknown reason) a europe-boundaries.osm.pbf

I would just like to make the latest europe map with the latest postcodes as a gmapsupp.img.

I just don't have a clue how to...

(08 Jul '17, 19:36) Me Again


(16 Jul '17, 21:14) Me Again

You are better asking this on the mkgmap mailing list. You will need to create a specific style file for the postcodes which codes them in the standard Garmin address formats. Once you have that layer you can just combine it with any other .img file using gmapsupp (i.e., they will appear as distinct maps on your garmin). If you need to combine the data beforehand then you will need to convert the postcode CSV file into an OSM file, merge with osmosis or osmconvert and then process with mkgmap. The key thing is getting the mkgmap style rules right.

(16 Jul '17, 21:56) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 06 Jul '17, 23:31

question was seen: 6,753 times

last updated: 16 Jul '17, 21:56

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