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Hello Awesome OSM Community! I'd like to setup a Nominatim-Server for in company use. We want to validate and complete our databases with it. The ODb-License is too complicated for our small company, we do not want to get in trouble after all. So my question is: Can we somehow get PD data only?

Cheers, osmb0t

asked 06 Jul '17, 17:45

osmb0t's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can we somehow get PD data only?

I don't think there's an easy way to do that. Some users have reported that all their edits are in the PD (check the OSM wiki), so you'd have to filter out for only things touched by someone who has marked that. (if an object was created by someone who doesn't release PD data, and last changed by someone who does, then that object is tainted). I suspect you'll get hardly any data. So practically, there's no proper "PD-only" data set.

You could look at the import data, and check the licence for that, and just use that directly.

The ODb-License is too complicated for our small company, we do not want to get in trouble after a

ODbL isn't too complicated. If you release your data (& attribute OSM) then you're in the clear. There are some times you don't have to release data (like if only employees use it), and some uncertain areas. But if you release the data, you'll definitly be in the clear. (NB if you're using another data source as well, you may not be legally able to release that, and I'm not sure how data protection affects it too)/.

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answered 06 Jul '17, 19:52

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

Thank you for the fast reply. However we're not authorized to release our customers data, we just store, validate and enrich it to return it back to them. So I guess we're not allowed to integrate OSM data into our database. I'll see how it is with checking for every object, maybe I can modify nominatim to only return PD data.

(07 Jul '17, 11:49) osmb0t

I simplified the releasing requirements. If you only use OSM internally and nothing OSM derived goes to the public/your customers, then you are not required to share the data you have. Perhaps this might be good enough for your use cases?

Have you seen It's a collection of many address databases, under a variety of licences. Many don't have the "share-alike" aspect of OSM. Perhaps you could use something from there.

(07 Jul '17, 12:19) rorym

@rorym I would recommend against using OA if you are not willing to vet the provenance (some of the sources have been obtained in more than shady ways) and licence suitability yourself.

(07 Jul '17, 13:02) SimonPoole ♦

Using OpenStreetMap data with other data, which for example is private and confidential is completely possible.

If this is an internal only use, the share alike provisions of the ODbL do not apply in any case, for other uses that do not invoke share alike see: Collective Database Guideline

As to the original question, see for why it is not possible in any practical way.

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answered 07 Jul '17, 13:06

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 07 Jul '17, 13:08

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question asked: 06 Jul '17, 17:45

question was seen: 2,506 times

last updated: 07 Jul '17, 13:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum