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Hello community, I am new to GIS, OSM and related technologies. I am also not sure if this is a right place to post such a question. But still here I go, as this could be start to my solution I am looking for.

So we have a custom requirement where we want to add custom temporary road to a territory, and use those road for navigation in that territory. We could close some roads temporarily as well due to any reason and we want routing/navigation around those barriers.

Also we want to show some geo tagging on a map, draw some polygon as well and so forth.

I looked into Mapbox but they are not providing custom navigation on those custom roads.

Is there any other 3rd party tool to do so?

Or can someone guide me step by step what to do to achieve this?

It will be really helpful for us.

Thanks & Regards, Vishal

asked 06 Jul '17, 16:53

vishaljsoni's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Jul '17, 19:15

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

AFAIK there is no out-of-the box system that does this. I think you will have to install a local copy of the OSM data in a format supported by the routing lib you want to use. Then modify the data so it suits your needs and let the routing engine work on that modified data.

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answered 07 Jul '17, 10:26

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Just to echo what this answer says, I'm pretty sure that there's no "easy to follow" set of instructions for the Rails Port (and Nominatim).

(07 Jul '17, 10:52) SomeoneElse ♦

@SomeoneElse actually installing the rails port is probably one of the best documented and easiest bits of OSM infrastructure to set up.

(07 Jul '17, 13:14) SimonPoole ♦

@SimonPoole I was basing my comment on previous questions and comments here :)

(07 Jul '17, 13:21) SomeoneElse ♦

The "easiest" (fsvo "easiest) way to do this is likely:

  • install the rails port
  • import data for the area in question
  • make you modifications to the data (with iD which was installed in the first step or any other editor that you can point at your local API)
  • export the data
  • either import the data in to one of the online routing platforms (that you will have to install to), or convert to one of the mobile routing app formats

For a small area with a small amount of data this should be fairly painless, pain will increase with the amount of data.

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answered 07 Jul '17, 13:20

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 07 Jul '17, 13:20

Hello @SimonPoole! Thank you for the starting guidance. I was thinking to do the same, where host OSM locally. But I am new to all this GIS thing. What I mean by "Private" roads is nothing but the roads visible to us only. But I got confused with lot of other readings on here which says: 1. Install your own OSM/Database 2. Install tile server! (???) 3. Again, they do not mention about routing in this!

Our small area could be maximum of size 200 acres, where we want to create temporary roads and could have temporary barriers and road closures too. And we want a navigation from point A to point B or a walking navigation within those areas. (All roads will be walking enabled as well)

Can you help me and guide me what steps I need to follow? That would be really helpful.

And I know it won't be that easy but I am all up for challenge. Only thing I DO NOT want is to write my own graph theory algorithm and A* algorithm for routing.

Thanks, Vishal

(07 Jul '17, 14:33) vishaljsoni

Also, I forgot to mention, I can't use Linux for reasons. It has to be a windows server to host everything.

Thanks, Vishal

(07 Jul '17, 15:52) vishaljsoni

Not being able to use Linux throws a big stick in to the mechanics, I don't believe there is a working version of the rails-port for any windows version. For 200 acres running it in a VM on Windows shouldn't be a problem.

You haven't indicated how you want to run the routing. If this supposed to be a web app, you will need to install one of the routing engines plus web UI: see (note: the heading is grossly misnamed), OSRM, GraphHopper and Valhalla are likely the best known ones and you can test all three via the

Tileserver: if you want to actually have an online map of your data (you haven't said so), yes you will need to run a separate database and software for that (database #3).

Having a look at would give you a bit more context.

(07 Jul '17, 19:14) SimonPoole ♦

Hello @SimonPoole, Thanks for replying me. What we are trying to achieve is use some map display agent on our web app, which will be served directly on browser or could be used as an app in Android or iOS app. So it will be a web app.

So your suggestion is, running a VM of linux on windows machine and make those 3 servers and databases for all those components? And use Leaflet or something like that to incorporate it in our web app?

Do you or over here step by step guide to achieve all of those things you mentioned?

Again, I am all new to this GIS and mapping world, so I could be repetitive!

Thank you for all the time and efforts and help you guys are providing me over here.

Thanks, Vishal

(09 Jul '17, 17:35) vishaljsoni

It is certainly possible to run an instance of the rails port, a tile server and one of the routing engines on one VM for 200 acres or so. How well it will work is a different question.

Questions you probably need to ask yourself: Do you really need to render the modified map? Are you going to be changing things just once or multiple times?

I would suggest doing this step by step so that you get a feeling for what works and what doesn't:

(09 Jul '17, 21:54) SimonPoole ♦

For OSM navigation I tend to use OsmAnd which had a free version for Android. If you have a file browser installed on your Android device it is fairly easy to manually import custom maps that weren't generated by the main service and downloaded in app.

I don't know if OsmAndMapCreator is still alive and kicking, but if it is then I would say your best bet is to:

  1. Download the area you are interested in in JOSM.
  2. Add the temporary information you require.
  3. Save this file to your local computer (without uploading)
  4. Use OsmAndMapCreator to convert to OsmAnd format
  5. Load on your mobile device.

I think this may technically be outside the terms of the edit API, but if the area really is quite small I doubt anyone will notice/mind.

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answered 10 Jul '17, 12:50

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

edited 10 Jul '17, 12:54

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question asked: 06 Jul '17, 16:53

question was seen: 4,047 times

last updated: 10 Jul '17, 12:54

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