It is a rest area for bicycle-people only. Maybe it is a spesific tag I can use? |
I don't know if there is a tag for this, I've never heard of this specific feature. At a minimum you could tag things that are there. Is there a little service road off the main road? Map that. Are there benches? Map those. Water fountains? Map them. Bicycle parking facilities? Map it. etc. etc. |
I tag such features as highway=rest_area bicycle=designated |
I've never heard of a rest stop like this, could you provide more info on its physical features, and its surroundings?
Would adding access tags (
) to the roads and/or paths servicing it be a useful approach?Thorwald do you have or can you provide a picture or link, the way you could reach the site could be the key ? Are there signs with that rule in the area ?
something like this ?, I guess it can be used by pedestrians as well and it might be better to map it like rorym describes, mapping all the individual parts separately